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Shizuoka City artist TAKERU IWAZAKI. 静岡市のアーティストTAKERU IWAZAKI.



Meet Shizuoka's very own, Takeru.

... the footprints of an inner trip that the artist himself is unable to predict.

Take a leisurely walk around the city of Shizuoka and you are bound to come across his artwork somewhere. Known for his detailed, fluid-like pen work that the artist himself describes as "oily", Takeru is one of the forerunners of the underground art scene and enjoys working across many fields including daily experiments and discoveries, Live Painting at local club events, creating murals for store fronts, and collaborating with other artists and designer brands such as Clarks.

He participated in the large-scale art project #BCTION held in Tokyo in Sept. 2014, and recently did artwork for the legendary DJ Krush's new album Kiseki.


Inspired by street culture, music, shrines and temples, and the beautiful nature that he grew up in, Takeru first started working with ballpoint pens and other stationaries he found lying around close at hand. His self-taught drawing techniques that took many years to originate are on craftsman level, and the lines left behind represent the flow of energy of the universe and life itself, the footprints of an inner trip that the artist himself is unable to predict.



He currently continues to experiment on his own original works while doing many murals and Live Paintings with artist Hisa, as the art duo known as Hint Lab. They recently worked together with three other Shizuoka artists for a large 3-story mural throughout the stairwell of the newly renovated Paradise Building in Hitoyado-cho are of Shizuoka for a new art project that started last July.


Check out other works and read more about the artist on his official website.










2014年9月に東京で行われた#BCTIONという大規模のアートプロジェクトに参加し、最近では伝説のあの男、DJ Krushのアルバムジャケットのアートも手がけた。




現在では、実験を重ね自作に取り組みながら、Hisaというアーティストと共にヒント・ラボ(Hint Lab)としても壁画やライブペイントを数多く行なっている。近頃の活動では、今年の7月から開始した新アートプロジェクトの一環として静岡市人宿町にある新しくリノベーションされたパラダイス・ビルの一階から三階までの階段の壁に他のローカルアーティスト3人と大きな壁画を描いた。






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